If you have ever injured your back, slept the wrong way, or put too much strain on it, you know how difficult it can be to move the next day. You’ll find that you have been taking your back for granted. Twinges of pain overcome you every time you move. If you are struggling with back pain that is chronic, you know how much worse it is. Your pain never truly goes away. It can get in the way of everything you do. Severe back pain can limit you in so many ways. It can keep you from being active. It may stop you from getting out of bed in the morning. In the end, back pain can make you feel like you aren’t living at all. The right spinal care plan can improve your quality of life.
Physical Therapy
While medication is often the first alternative that so many people turn to, it generally masks your symptoms. It can also cause unwanted side effects. You can choose physical therapy to help you to retrain the way that you move. You’ll also be guided through exercises that are meant to strengthen your back. Through consistent sessions and work at home, you could experience relief from debilitating pain.
Don’t Overdo It
All too often, we rush our bodies. We are overly demanding, trying to force ourselves to do something when we aren’t ready yet. Learn to accommodate your back. Rest as needed. Avoid heavy lifting. Be patient with yourself. Of course, our team can help you determine what is considered to be overdoing it.
Surgical Options
Sometimes, surgery really is the best option when it comes to effective spinal care. We are proud to offer a number of innovative, minimally-invasive procedures that could relieve you of your back pain.
Talk to Our Doctor About More Alternatives for Spinal Care
If you have been trying to address back pain without success on your own, enlist the aid of our staff at Plymouth Bay Orthopedic Specialists. We specialize in spinal care and have offices located in Plymouth, Duxbury and Sandwich. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started.