About Hip Arthritis:
Hip Arthritis is a condition that results in pain and inflammation of the hip joint and is caused by a breakdown of cartilage that surrounds the hip joint. This cartilage is intended to act as the shock absorber for the hip and surrounds the endings of the bones that comprise the hip joints. When this cartilage begins to deteriorate the friction between the bones of the hip begins to increase. This friction results in the pain, swelling, and bone spurs commonly associated with osteoarthritis. Generally, hip arthritis starts as a gradual process and can progress over time.
Signs & Symptoms
- General joint stiffness, usually when getting out of bed or after sitting for a long period of time
- Pain, swelling, and/or tenderness in the hip joint area
- Inability to move the affected hip normally during normal activities
- Many times patients will complain of a dull, aching pain in the groin, outer thigh, knee, or buttocks
How is it Treated?
The first phase of treatment for Hip Arthritis is Physical Therapy which is used to increase mobility in the hip joint. In many cases, Physical Therapy is used in conjunction with anti-inflammatory medications or therapeutic injections (corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory injections, etc).
If the condition continues to progress, or conservative modalities have not provided adequate pain relief, a surgical intervention may be considered. These surgical interventions can include:
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Hip Resurfacing
- Hip Replacement