What is it?
Synovitis surgery is a minimally invasive procedure designed to remove inflamed tissue in the synovial membrane, which is found in your knee and/or shoulder joints and helps lubricate those joints. By removing the affected area of the synovium, the process of abnormal growth and/or excessive production of fluid is effectively stopped. It is less traumatic to undergo arthroscopic accompaniment procedures to surgery designed to treat synovitis. Open surgery may also allow greater access to the affected joint. Often, a collaborative approach to this surgery is used to address the complexities of patients with inflammatory arthritis. This will involve an anesthesiologist, physical therapist, social worker, and possibly other medical professionals, in addition to your surgeon.
How is it Performed?
Five to six arthroscopic portals of entry are made in a complete synovitis surgery. The surgeon will take an arthroscope along with a surgical shaver and go through each portal individually to remove any synovitis. After completion, the surgeon will close the small portals.